Winter Wonderland

Housefeb122006front I might be the only one not complaining about the fifteen plus inches of snow we got here in my town…but I really can’t complain since this is only the second big storm of the season for us (and I don’t live in New York.  God love you people…27 inches.  Yikes.).  We had another loss in our family and today gave me an opportunity to lock myself up in the house and not focus on any of it. 

Tomorrow is Truck Day, and, according to that article by Mark Newman (hi Mark!), Boston ISN’T the only baseball town to mark the day!  According to Mark:

Housefeb122006frontnight_1The Red Sox’s truck is scheduled to roll out of Fenway between 1:30-2 p.m. ET

I’ll be in work.  Looking for pictures on of the trucks leaving Yawkey Way.  They’re going to have to trudge through lots and lots of snow to start their trip…but they’ll make it.  And come the end of the week, we get pitchers and catchers.  Always a sign of good things to come.

Take care, everyone.  (Photos taken today outside Cyn’s house)

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