“Green” is the New Black

Foamystar Interesting article in the New York Times today (I’m pretty sure you need to register to read it…check out Bug Me Not for privacy logins) about amphetamine use in MLB.

I think it’s great that they are finally trying to ‘clean up’ baseball.  I also think it’s many years too late.  Anyway, there are some interesting quotes from active and retired players alike on how banning amphetamines is going to affect the game.

One of my favorite quotes is from Jason Grimsley, he of Kellia’s beloved Diamondbacks (and formerly a Royal).

Let me interrupt my thought for a moment…according to the Royals’ website, their slogan is "Your Team. Your Town".  That’s classic.  Why not just make it, "Sure we stink, but you live here so you’re stuck with us"?  But I digress.

Grimsley says, "There are some things that don’t need to be in the game, but there are things that have been in it for a long time.  It’s almost like they’re trying to change everything about baseball. It’s become sterilized."

It’s terrible, isn’t it, Jason?  The nerve of them wanting to take illegal drugs out of the game.  I’m guessing Mr. Grimsley will be one of those players who needs additional rest this season.  Unless he starts buying himself some Red Bulls.

Let me digress again.  I love Red Bull.  But I’m a naturally hyper person to begin with so it really doesn’t do all that much for me.  I have, on more than one occasion, finished off a Red Bull just before I went to bed and still fallen asleep.  I still love the stuff.

Back to the "Greenies"…I’m not naive enough to think none of the players I root for use or have used them.  But I would like to think that these players (all of them, not just my favorites) are mature enough and NOT drug addicts – so that this WON’T be as big an issue as some players think.  Because if it IS, those players have more to worry about than losing their ‘edge’ in baseball.

(Today’s picture is Foamy the Squirrel holding a Starshmucks flier.  I love Foamy.  And when you hit your knees tonight, ask God to love him too!)

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