In November, the Red Sox are inducting Dave Roberts (along with others) into their Hall of Fame. Watching the Padres losing in the 8th to the Cardinals, reminds me of how important he was to us in 2004. He actually tried to repeat history, in a sense, tonight by getting on base and then trying to steal second. Tonight, he was thrown out. Not so in 2004. For a time I thought that I wanted the Cardinals to win this series, but after the Padres winning yesterday, I suddenly was happy – and I really think Dave is the only reason for it. So, tonight, I’m a little sad. Dave has done a lot for this Padres team and it would have been nice to see him go deeper into the post season.
It is now 6-2 in the top of the ninth with 1 out…the Padres are two outs away from going home. In the big picture, it won’t be that big an issue for me. Cards or Pads, right now I’m rooting for the Tigers so it doesn’t matter which team they meet. But I’m sad for Dave. He’s worked hard and it’s tough to see him be disappointed. It makes me HAPPY to know, though, that he still receives love from the Red Sox fans.
The Padres have two on and one out. Thom Brennaman says it will take a "bloop and a blast" to tie the game and Tim McCarver remarks that "it will have to be Dave Roberts…". How sweet would that be?
Thom Brennaman just used "Good morning, Good afternoon and Good night" for a Khalil Greene strike out. Dave is now up. The best he can do is put the Padres a run behind instead of four.
I really didn’t plan this to be a running blog of the end of the game. Timing is everything I suppose.
Dave has two strikes on him. Why do the Padres have navy jerseys and green helmets?
Dave just made the final out and the Cardinals are celebrating. Congrats to them. They’re a good team, who struggled at the end of the season just like the Tigers. No hard feelings here. This post-season is full of great stories! Nice try by the Padres.
I think tonight is a good night for folks to get a look at this video lifted from You Tube.
Thanks for everything, Dave!
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