ARod is a Tool (Take note. I’m sure I’ll use this title again this season!)

MacDonald should have just punched him dead in the face. I’m sure it would have been well worth the suspension!
I was at the game tonight and, well, it sucked.  Pretty much nothing else you can say about it.  Seeing that the Yankees won sucked too.  I know it really doesn’t matter.  "Oh the Yankees are coming to town only 13.5 games behind the Sox!"  (An email I actually just received from a Yankees fan) Whatever.  Regardless of the standings, I enjoy a good Yankees loss.  Hope to see a few more this weekend.  🙂

Apparently ARod is up to his assholiness again.  When it isn’t throwing an elbow or slapping a ball, I guess now it’s yelling to fake out an infielder.  Does this guy have any IDEA what it means to be a good sport?  Is the idea of sportsmanship totally foreign to him?  Has all the money he’s made put  him in a position where he doesn’t care if 90% of MLB fans and, probably, players, think, regardless of his talent, that he’s a total dick?

I’m not sure I’ve ever written this about anyone in my blog:  I hope he gets hit.  I hope the Red Sox hit him for the shit he pulled with Pedroia (which he acted all tough about in the press and then mouthed an apology during batting practice) or I hope the next time the Blue Jays face the Yankees, they knock him on his ass.

I don’t want him hit in the head.  I don’t want him hurt.  I want him to know that you can’t act like a freaking pussy on the field and get away with it. Good God this guy makes my skin crawl.   Someone should point him to the standings.   Yankees are a game and a half behind Toronto and 13.5 behind Boston.  Maybe he should focus on helping his team win by getting more hits instead of the bush shit he’s been pulling lately?

Okay, my rant is done.  Bottom line, Sox took the series from Cleveland.  It was great to be able to see Trot twice this week and I’m really looking forward to the series this weekend.  No trips to Fenway for me.  Which is great.  I like to enjoy some games from the comfort of my couch! 

40 comments for “ARod is a Tool (Take note. I’m sure I’ll use this title again this season!)

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