Let’s see, ARod goes crawling back to the Yankees because no one in MLB will give him what his greedy ass wants and we’re supposed to think he’s being charitable? Just when I thought there was no way for him to make me dislike him more. Good work, Slappy. Good work.
The Yankees have no choice, they need ARod. And ARod, obviously, needs the Yankees. A match made in hell.
And now there is talk about the Yankees wanting to sign Mike Lowell to play first base? For what reason? Just to keep Lowell off the Sox? How ridiculous is it to offer a third baseman the kind of money and the amount of years the Yankees probably are, just to have him play a position he’s never played professionally?
Isn’t that what they did in 2004 with ARod? (I ask partially sincerely. My memory is that ARod never played third until he was in New York…I could be wrong.)
If Mike Lowell agrees to move to first just to play with the Yankees, well, then just like Johnny Damon, he’ll end up exactly where he planned on ending up. No way you make that kind of move if you don’t really want to be there.
Personally, based on what I THINK I know about Mike Lowell (which is all in my head, we know)…this isn’t something he’d do. I refuse to believe he’ll run to the Bronx just for the sake of being there. I can’t believe he’d switch positions and run toward the money this way. (Mind you, as a third baseman, I understand him going wherever the best offer leads him…)
I hate the Hot Stove season. I hate it.
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