If I read one more article, blog entry or comment about what a good thing Andy Pettitte did, I’m going to vomit.
He used HGH. HGH, unless prescribed by a physician for a specific health issue, is and was illegal. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t specifically listed in the CBA, or Andy’s contract or anywhere in MLB’s documents – it’s an illegal substance and therefore ILLEGAL to use.
If Andy wanted to impress me, he would have spoken with Senator Mitchell when given the opportunity. He wouldn’t have waited until his name was released. And he would have spared me the "I didn’t do it to gain an edge, just to heal faster" which, well, using something illegal to heal faster is, get this Andy, a way to gain an edge.
Incidentally, good for Jemele Hill for beings, seemingly, the only national writer with the balls (ironic, huh?) to call Andy out for his ‘apology’. She gives it to him and HIS apologists but good.
Last year, the Los Angeles Times reported that former Yankee Jason Grimsley told the feds Pettitte was one of the players who used performance-enhancing drugs. This is how Pettitte responded to that allegation at the time: "I haven’t done anything," he said. "I guess reports are saying I’ve used performance-enhancing drugs. I’ve never used any drugs to enhance my performance in baseball before. I don’t know what else to say except it’s embarrassing my name would be out there.
So until it came out in writing, Andy decided to lie.
I’m all for people coming clean. But if you’re going to do it 1) REALLY do it, don’t just offer ridiculous lip service and 2) don’t expect people to throw you a parade just because you’re back was against a wall and you decided to tell the truth.
Stop praising this guy for telling the truth when he obviously didn’t.
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