“Timlin Injured, DL Unlikely” reads the title of Amalie Benjamin’s latest blog entry.
Did she not think there was a better way to ‘report’ that news than to blare “TIMLIN INJURED” on her blog?
He has some stitches on his ring finger from fielding a ball. (A “comebacker”.) Not life and death. There was no need to alarm people. Jeez.
Timlin, Wake, Schilling and Bryan Corey went to the Camp Zama Army Base for a visit. I get a kick out of the guys being able to fit stuff like that in while they’re over there. All work and no play and all. 😉
Keep checking in with Rob Bradford. Along with letting us know what’s going on with the team, he has a bit of a travelogue going over there. Really good stuff.
MLB.tv has the first exhibition game on at 11pm tonight. I’m certainly going to try to stay up for it!
Have a great day, folks!
Photo by Junko Kimura/Getty Images
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