But this time it’s at home – and I’m going to be there. So I’m looking forward to it even though it’ll probably be cold and it’ll definitely be a little bittersweet given the events of the weekend.
I work with a guy who has that stereotypical fan attitude and came into the office cranky about the weekend. “Effing Red Sox, huh?” is how I got greeted this morning. “Yeah, can you believe they dfa’d Kyle Snyder?” I got a blank stare in return. Oh well. Not everyone is going to get it.
Back to Opening Day: My sister is going with me and her favorite player is/was Doug Mirabelli. So to find out today that he’s going to be at the ring ceremony thrilled her. That’s absolutely something to look forward to.
I’m ready for it. Have a sweatshirt, my Tito pullover and a jersey to wear along with the hand and foot warmers I bought last week (Unfortunately, the Kyle jersey didn’t show yet). I’ll be warm, toasty and excited to see another banner raised. Plus, seeing a game in person is always good for what ails me. I’m so thrilled to be going back to Fenway. I said it before, it’s an embarrassment of riches this week. I’ll be at Fenway Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. The entire Tigers series and the final game in the Yankees series. I’m tired and still a little down so I might not be projecting how excited I AM to be heading to Fenway tomorrow – but I am. I’m blessed to be able to afford to go to the park. I’m so fortunate to know people generous enough to share tickets to allow me to enjoy my favorite pastime as well.
Tomorrow is going to be a special day a the park and I’m so happy to be going there. I have friends who will be there, along with my sister, so I won’t be celebrating alone. Part of me is really looking forward to the ‘celebration’ being over, so the team can get down to the business of winning a damn game.
I’m still holding out hope that Kyle will be there, although I haven’t heard or read anything that indicates he will. He deserves to have his name announced and hear the fans go wild for him as he accepts his ring as much as anyone taking that field tomorrow.
Quick Bronson Arroyo update…let’s just say he didn’t do well today. That’s a no-decision and a loss thus far. Eek.
Over the weekend someone who shall remain nameless, for the purposes of this entry, told me I need to start rooting for players I don’t actually like because I seem to jinx the ones I do. I have to tell you, after 2004, I stopped believing in omens and jinxes and any of that silly stuff. But sometimes, I wonder. 🙂
Then again, I’ll be rooting for Bronson the next time he pitches and I’m still rooting for Kyle. Hope they don’t mind.
Opening Day is less than a day away. Forget the w/l record up to now – the guys get their rings and embark on repeating as of tomorrow.
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