Yes, I’m cranky that Julian Tavarez is on the team and Kyle Snyder isn’t. (Not so incidentally, Bryan Corey was dfa’d last night. 😡 ) Even so, I didn’t boo him when he did pretty much what I expected him to do once he took the mound last night.
But many, many fans did.
During the third game of the first homestand of the season.
I so tire of idiot fans who boo their own guys. Those folks should give up their tickets to people who show up at the park to actually SUPPORT their team.
See this player?
Photo by Kelly O’Connor
(The one in the background, not the foreground -but it applies to both!)
If he happens to struggle tonight there best be not booing. Don’t be an idiot. There is NO REASON to boo a DEFENDING WORLD CHAMPION TEAM ten games into the season.
I’m, obviously, still bummed about Kyle. You don’t see me hanging over a fence, yelling into the dugout, “Julian, it should have been you!!!!”. Admittedly, a tiny part of me does that in my head, but what is the point of going to the park and making someone feel bad? I’ve written this about many other players before: Do fans think the player they are booing doesn’t KNOW he’s struggling? Do you booers thing that you’re HELPING? Or do you just think it makes you a big man (or woman) to belittle someone who makes more money than you ever will?
I hate the booing of your own players. More than I hate the Superfluous Curtain Call.
Speaking of which, there will be none of those this weekend as the Yanks invade the Fenway. The sun is shining brightly through my window right now, but that will change into rain/sleet/snow/locusts, fairly soon so it is unsure how many of these games will actually get played.  Tonight’s is probably good to go, though, so AGAIN PEOPLE GOING TO THE GAME, show up to support your team, and Clay’s first start against the Yankees. Don’t be jackasses.  Leave those fans in the Bronx.
Have a great day!
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