Bullet Points

Some Notes:

* I originally had Julio Lugo as the “Player of the Week”. I changed that and will keep it as is until such time as they don’t need all the positive vibes and support we have. (Well, everyone needs our positive vibes and support on the team, but right now these guys do just a little more.) See, I’m not evil. I’m not wishing bad things on the bullpen just because Kyle isn’t part of it.

* The Kyle Snyder BP jersey gets its debut today. Of course, if I end up at the game it’ll be covered by a sweatshirt, a jacket and any other warm piece of clothing I can wrap around me, but it’ll be there. ๐Ÿ™‚

* I was quite sad when my man Mike Timlin gave up that home run to Jason Giambi last night. But in no way do I think it is indicative of what we’ll get from Mike this year – unlike some of the asswipes on the radio during my ride home last night. One game, people, one game. Get a friggin’ grip.

* On the other hand, if you’ve been reading me long enough you might remember that I don’t count any home runs by Jason Giambi, so that one doesn’t count against Mike in my book.

* It is absolutely POURING right now. My skylight sounds like it’s going to cave in. If this doesn’t let up, I have a difficult time believing they’ll get this game in today. The best part if that happens? It’ll totally mess with Fox and their ratings. ๐Ÿ™‚

* I didn’t die in my sleep last night – woo! Given I was a little nervous about my allergic reaction, this is not just some random celebration note.

* I’m leaving the house at 9am today to begin a day of debauchery with friends in Boston. I don’t live that far out of the city. You run the numbers. Since my Lenten promise of no alcohol has messed with my tolerance a little bit, I’m going to need to pace myself!

* I usually have a following day “Man, did they really lose to the Yankees?” feel after these games. I don’t have that this morning. 2004 and 2007 have done wonders for my psyche. ๐Ÿ™‚ Not that I don’t ‘care’ they lost the game, but it just feels like they lost a game, not like they lost the most important game of the season. (That feeling the media tries to beat into us every year during every Sox/Yankees series.)

* In light of the above, I’m thinking of retiring my tag line about being a Yankees Chick. It just doesn’t seem to resonate with me the way it used to. I still think it’s funny, but it’s almost meaningless now. I could just as logically write “Because life is too short to be a Blue Jays chick”. What do you think? Should I keep it or not?

* I’m considering bringing the laptop today. I’m not sure I could get it into Fenway if I DO end up going to the game, but I’d like to have it (and it would definitely make me more responsible while I’m out celebrating with the gang). So I might be blogging later today – or it might not be until much later tonight.

* I’ve put off the inevitable long enough…I have to get up and start getting ready for the day!

Here’s to a great day for the SGers and Mr. Miles – and an early cancellation of the game (if that’s what the plan turns out to be) for everyone going so they don’t have to schlep into town in this messy weather and sit in Fenway for hours waiting for a game that doesn’t happen!

Short of that, here’s to Joshua Patrick kicking some Yankees ass at some point this weekend!

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