Goodbye Julian.  Who’d have thought you would have become such a fan favorite? I wish only good things for you, brother. Good luck and thanks for your contributions to 2007.
I texted this to Emmie tonight: “Clay makes babies cry.” And I think he does. But his teammates seemed to all be asleep at te wheel too. Ah well. Onward and upward. Next stop: Baltimore. Asses. Kick them please.
In good news: Youk was namd AL Player of the Week. It’s about damned time. (Er, I mean, “Good for him!”)
And Kyle is still with the organization. So that’s nice to know too. He starts in Buffalo tomorrow night. Kick ass yourself, Kyle. Incidentally, Jed Lowrie hit a homerun tonight. Boy is on a roll, baby!
Really bad day capped off by a shitty Sox loss. I need some happy thoughts, people!
Kyle pitching in Japan (I just like the photo!):
Photo by Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images AsiaPac)
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