I make it a point to not pimp other blogs. Even those written by friends of mine. I have a link list and most people who read this blog are probably reading other blogs as well. Y’all don’t need me pointing you in any directions.
Today, I pimp for someone else. And as I do I realize I don’t have this blog on my blogroll. (It was in my link list back when I was on MLBlogs and I must have mistakenly dropped it since then.) I read this blog all the time and today it really struck a nerve. So click here to visit “Awful Announcing” (which has since been re-added to my links) and his take on Joe Buck’s revelation that he’s tired of watching sports, especially baseball. It’s brilliant.
Joe Buck bitches about how long the games are and how many there are on weekly, saying it’s a lot to ask people to invest in. AA has video of the audio of his conversation about this with Colin Cowherd today.
Could someone please point me in the direction of the baseball fans who are complaining that there are too many games and they’re too long? Who are these people? Why have I never encountered them?
Even when I’m doing other things around the house, if there is a game on – it’s on my television. My focus might not be 100% on every game, but I enjoy them just the same. If I could watch baseball 24 hours a day – I would. If I suddenly became rich and didn’t have to work, I’d live in walking distance from Fenway Park and go to every freaking game. And when the Red Sox weren’t in town, I’d travel to Portland to see the SeaDogs, Lowell to see the Spinners or Pawtucket to see the PawSox in person. Hell, I’d take the train to New York and watch Yankees and Mets games live.
And I’d do it all for free. Just like I watch as much baseball as I possibly can, for free, and I enjoy every minute of it. (Okay, I haven’t enjoyed the last three Red Sox games much, but still…)
Just because you’re tired of the game, Joe, don’t be dragging the fans into it. We like being able to watch all these games. Most of us never look at the time it takes to play one unless we have plans that should take place post-game or want to make sure we catch the last train home. Here’s the thing, we watch baseball because WE LIKE IT.
Stunning, I know.
I’d sell one of my kidneys to get a paying gig watching baseball. And I hope to God that I wouldn’t be stupid enough to look that gift horse in the mouth.
Heck, Awful Announcing puts it much better. Go there now. 🙂
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