Sox sweep the Twins with two one-run games and an 18-run, 23-hit beatdown.
That’s fairly impressive, no?
I was off-line for most of the day yesterday and all of the night. After spending the day partying with a seven year-old (and getting to see most of the game as well!), I spent the evening in the ER (not for me) and then came home to half my town being without power, including my place. Bummer. SO it was a long day and a long night but all ended up well in the end (all around!).
Never been so happy for the Sox to have a day off. It’s nice to know they were unleashing the hits as they were without having to think that clichéd “save some for tomorrow, fellas!”.
No way could I ever root for the Yankees to win, but these last two wins of theirs didn’t bother me too much. Thanks to them, and to the impressive play of the Red Sox, the Sox are only two games out of first. Not too shabby.
Buchholz, Wake and Daisuke will be leading us into the All Star Break against the Orioles. Another sweep isn’t too much to ask is it?
Today is the last day to vote the final player into the All Star Game. Looks like Brian Roberts doesn’t have a chance as he’s behind Evan Longoria, Jermaine Dye and Jason Giambi. So get the vote out and pick a Ray or a White Sox player…anyone but Giambi! 🙂
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