This weekend has gone by much more quickly than I would prefer – but what are you going to do? Last night was suckorama for Red Sox fans. No PawSox game, Wake and the Red Sox getting their hats handed to them…I choose to focus on the fact that the BoSox lost no ground in the division. So we scrape last night off the bottom of our shoes and we move on to today.
I’d love to say that the 1pm Pats game will fill the void until the 3pm Sox game…but that would be a lie. Sure, I want the Pats to win but September is still my baseball time. Once the post-season ends (even if the Sox aren’t in it, October is dedicated, mostly for me, to baseball) I can focus on caring about whether or not the Pats are winning. Although, in my first season playing Fantasy Football, I admit to being a little giddy that I have Eli Manning and Plaxico Burress on my team, thus giving me what will probably be the only lead I have all season in the league!
As a kind of wrap-up of the Taylor Family story…Tru will be on WRKO radio tonight with Kevin Whalen to talk about what happened at Fenway and how the family is doing.   It’s on at 9:30 tonight and folks can call in with questions if they like.  You can click here and listen live if you don’t get RKO in your area. Here’s where I really do have to send out another “thank you” to Stan Grossfeld because interest in the family and their well-being has just increased with the publishing of his story. I hope the good karma comes back to him!
Paul Byrd on the mound today in the rubber game. I want the Sox to win (obviously) because I want them to continue winning each series they’re in (especially with the Rays coming to town this week). I still don’t have blind faith in Byrd, but, hell, I certainly want him to help the team win.
PawSox at 5pm in a make or break game. They win and they live to play another game…they lose and the Red Sox can start picking from the roster, if they want, with no concerns about the playoffs because the PawSox will be out of it. Bartolo Colon takes the mound against Philip Hughes. You can listen to it OR watch it live through (or do what KellyO and I do and watch it without the sound on and listen to the PawSox dudes’ radio broadcast!). Good luck, fellas! With any luck, the postponed game will give Kyle another opportunity to pitch and his season won’t be over just yet!
It’s a beautiful, sunny day here today…I hope everyone reading this has toughed out the the bad weather and has a great day to enjoy!
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