
Because I choose to focus on the positive not the negative, let’s talk about the one fabulous thing that shone through the sucktasticness of tonight’s game:  Josh Beckett’s pitching.  His offense might have done nothing to help him and Justin Masterson, in a phrase, totally shit the bed, but Beckett showed us, once again, that he’s a big game pitcher.  And that is something we can be very grateful for.

You’ll have to forgive my negativity for one moment…after sitting through those two horrific games against Tampa Bay in Boston last week – in person – watching the Red Sox only get Beckett one run and seeing Justin Masterson totally forget how to pitch, is bothering me more than I want to acknowledge.  Who knows, maybe this loss won’t mean anything come the end of September, but I worry that we’ll look back on this game as the one we really needed to win.  Luckily, Wake is on the mound tomorrow night and that gives the team another good chance to win.  Of course, Josh did everything HE could to give the team a chance to win and they pissed it away…so here’s hoping Josh kicks someone’s ass tonight and puts the fear of HIM in them so they perform the way we know they can and they way they have been.

Okay, now I feel bad for saying Justin shit the bed.  He’s a rookie.  I need to be less harsh on him.  Sorry, Justin.  It’s just tough remembering that you ARE a rookie after the season you’ve had.  Not your fault that the pressure seemed to get to you.  Tomorrow the team will come back and I won’t be as bummed as I am right now.  But, right now, I AM bummed and you get the brunt of that. 🙁

So much for staying positive.  I’m going to have to take shake it off and find something GOOD to write about before the night is over.

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