Well, I suppose I should write “Welcome to Portland” since that’s where he’ll be starting.
Did anyone see the clips from the press conference? Theo looked really uncomfortable. He usually does at pressers. I don’t think anyone told him that he’d have to make public appearances an awful lot of the time when he initially took the GM job. He seems to absolutely hate it.
I haven’t seen a clip of this, but Ian Browne quotes Theo as saying (among other things):
“He’s only 22 years of age. He has a relatively fresh arm and he’s getting better. He’s trending upwards. We think he will be a good match for our development system.”
“22 years of age”? Did Theo really say that? Who talks like that? Is “22 years old” so tough to get out? I call shenanigans on Ian Browne until I see a video clip of Theo saying this.
I’m always happy to see the team pick up another pitcher, so this pleases me. I’m going to have to try and get up to Portland, at some point in 2009, to see him pitch. It’ll be quite different than seeing Matsuzaka pitch in his first season with the Red Sox. I wonder if the media will follow Tazawa around the way they did Daisuke?  And, man, what kind of culture shock do you go through coming from Japan and going to Maine?
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