Photo of Cole Hamels taken by Kelly O'Connor/sittingstill.net and used with permission.
Well last night was pleasant enough, eh? Seeing Burnett leave before even getting three innings under his belt was sweet but seeing Chase Utley tie Reggie Jackson’s World Series home run record was sweeter. All Utley has to do is hit another home run before this series is over and we can say goodbye to “Mr October”. I approve greatly of this.
EDIT: Well, I have to take back the whole Brett Myers being an asshole rant since the story is coming out that it didn’t happen. Of course that could be spin so’s not to make Myers look like the ass I believe him to be (regardless of whether the confrontation happened)…oh well. It was fun typing out “Brett Myers is an asshole” a few times, anyway!
In spite of the assholiness of Myers, I’m still holding out hope that the Phillies can pull out two more wins. They need to just take them one game at a time and focus on the game at hand, right? No getting ahead of yourself and thinking about game 7. Game 6, with Pedro pitching again at Yankee Stadium against a short-rested Andy Pettitte is quite enough to focus on right now.
I know it’s a long shot but I still think they can do it. And, because baseball keeps pulling me back in, I’ll definitely be watching tomorrow night!
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