A well-earned win

It shouldn’t be this hard, though.  Watching this game tonight was beginning to get painful.  I see Wake leave the game early and figure it has to be because of his back.  I watch our guys get a few hits but no runs.  Meanwhile, I’m getting text messages with the score from the Yankees game.  I was not a happy chickie.  (And I’m still worried about Wake!)

(Let me digress…Hazel Mae just said that Jon Lester has been "lights out".  Has she actually watched him pitch?  Honestly.  If not for the Santana infield, this kid could be looking at a 1-3 record instead of the 4-0 record he currently has.)

Anyway, I was at the game with people again instead of by myself!!!!  (Thanks, again, JimEd!)  So one of the people I was with was yelling to Doug Mirabelli, "Your father wants you to get a  hit!  Your MOTHER wants you to get a hit!"  It was pretty funny.  And suddenly, with two men on, he not only got a hit, he got a homerun.  Tied the game and totally stole the momentum of the game away from the Royals.

My man Mike Timlin got his fifth win and Papelbon put up another save.  Manny Delcarmen did his job and the game ended the way it was supposed to!  (I have no idea when they started it, but they played The Troggs’ version of "Wild Thing" when Papelbon came in.  I’d prefer X’s version – but it was still fun to have THAT be the song he comes out to!)

Mixed reaction to Doug Mientkiewicz.  I didn’t boo…although a strong part of me wanted to.  I actually cheered for him during his first at-bat…and then didn’t do anything the rest of the times he was at-bat.  There were a lot of boos – and more came as the game went on.

Tony Graffanino got a nice ovation during his first at-bat.  That made me happy!  And Meatloaf and Will Ferrell (as Luis Tiant) both threw out the opening pitch.  Ferrell was very funny.

Sox won a good one…Yanks did too.  So the teams are still tied in the loss column and the Sox are a half game up.  I was saying to someone the other night that it’s funny how you see things.  When the Sox lost and the lead was chopped to .5, I was upset.  How much does a half game up stink?

But now I look at it like "Hey!  We’re still a half game up!".  🙂

It was a great night and, after a bit of a wild cab ride home, I’m back in time to see the replay at midnight!

(Photo of Doug Mirabelli and Will Ferrell taken tonight by me.  Not the best  photo, but I thought it was cute!)

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