What is this ‘throwing things on the field when our team does poorly" thing? AJ Pierzynski hits a home run…Cubs fans throw stuff on the field.Mets score 11 runs (including 2 grand slams) in one inning…Cubs fans throw stuff on…
Category: Jackasses
Oh, Ozzie!
Nice choke job, Chicago.
I pick on Ozzie even when he’s trying to be nice
A quote from Ozzie after today’s game: "The kid has a great future," Chicago manager Ozzie Guillen said of Papelbon, who’s given up only two runs all season. "What he has done for the Boston Red Sox is amazing. They…
Mike Celizic: Know-nothing, blowhard
So, a New York-based writer thinks that it would be an "insult to what (Pedro) meant to Boston" if the fans cheer him on Wednesday? Wow. Amazing insight, Mike. Let’s go over Mike’s brilliant reasons for WHY we should boo…