* There’s talk of Mike Timlin joining the team this weekend in New York. He’s also ‘able” to come off the disabled list today and is in Boston getting his knee checked out. He’ll pitch during at LEAST one more…
Category: Rambling
Another Day
So the sports talk all around town today will be the Celtics. I work relatively close to the Garden and pick up my ride home each night even closer, so I anticipate seeing much green surrounding me today. It’ll be…
What’s Happening?
Manny gets his 500th homerun celebration tonight at Fenway Tonight’s game (and Thursday night’s game) starts at 6:05pm NOT 7:05pm. Yankees lost again to the Kansas City Royals Angels blew a good lead to lose to the Tampa Bay Rays…
Whoopee! I’m Home!
Sure, it’s 2am…but I’m home. I’m an idiot. But I’m home. I was smart enough not to get drunk at Mark’s going away – but dumb enough to stay out until 2am. So I sit here debating getting a couple…