Looking for an icepick…

…to jam into my ears.    I’m switching between the Sox/Royals game and the Yankees/Indians Game (after watching Manny walk off the field with his nose plugged…I’m giving the Sox a rest for a few minutes…why does our team get…

Dang it Raffy

Well…I guess, what is being leaked now, according to Alex Dominguez in the Boston Herald today,  Raffy really DID know what he was doing.  "Rafael Palmeiro tested positive for stanozolol, a powerful anabolic steroid not available in dietary supplements, according…

I try not to be a Yankee hater…

…but I am, dammit, I am. Watching the Yankees fall behind another full game made me almost as happy as watching the Red Sox jump ahead another full game. Watching Al Leiter turn into Derek Lowe on cocaine right in…