Well that stunk, no doubt about it. But, regardless of what the likes of our resident Yankee fan commenter thinks, one game does not make a series. Am I disappointed in how Game 1 went down? Hell, yeah. It sucked.…
Tag: 2009 ALDS
Here’s your miracle…
NOTE FROM CYN: My server is acting all snarky right now and I worry it might go down tonight. Hopefully that isn’t the case, but, fair warning, in case you come by tonight and can’t get into the site! (Hopefully…
Because I’m in Love with Rock ‘n’ Roll
Even though I don’t want them to repeat this year, I was rooting for the Phillies yesterday- only because Cliff Lee was pitching. He didn’t disappoint. Unfortunately, the Twins and the Cardinals did but what are you going to do? …
Most likely you’ll never succeed
Fenway on Sunday was perfect. What felt like was going to be a cool, rainy day turned into a bright, warm day with a great game and, mostly, great fans. It was a nice way to end the regular season…