Tag: Boston Red Sox

Going for the Win

So Friday night the Red Sox get their hats handed to them in a 10-0 loss and folks were worried this was going to be what it looks like if the Rangers and Red Sox meet in the playoffs. Yesterday…

Goodbye Yankees

People last night were virtually fist-pumping about how great Jon Lester was as he left the game (“virtually” as in, “doing it on the Internet). I’ll just say this about Crabby: He goes a more acceptable amount of innings for…

The Longer the Better

I will never tire of watching the Red Sox beat the Yankees…especially when it’s as much of a slugfest as last night’s game turned out to be. 18 hits and 14 runs in this game. That, to me, is baseball.…

So we look to Josh Beckett…

There’s this: “I was definitely not trying to hit him,” he [Lackey] said. “I was trying to knock him down for sure. You can see where he stands in the box. You’ve got to knock him off the plate a…