Tag: Boston Red Sox

All Star Slump

I have this trollish person who loves to post comments about Adrian Gonzalez being inferior to Mark Teixeira (seriously).  His comments get automatically sent to the spam folder before they can be posted here (for reasons unrelated to Adrian) and,…

What a Night

  I didn’t make it.  At 1am I caved.  The last thing I did before passing out was hit “record” on the dvr (and silently pray that Tito didn’t put Papelbon in there with no score).  I woke up about…

There’s no need to fear…

I’m enjoying the John Lackey who doesn’t make me want to kick him (even if Tim McCarver tried to make the country think he was a serial killer or something because he got pissy about being taken out of the…

Same as it ever was

I wrote an entire blog entry yesterday and thought I published it.  Came back in today and noticed it wasn’t published and when I went to hit “publish” I deleted it. It’s been that kind of week. Disappointing to watch…