Tag: Boston Red Sox

You All Win

For the most part, I’m pleased with the All Star picks so I’m not going to complain about Derek Jeter.  You’re welcome. I’m so happy for the Sox who got in and, thanks largely to Big Papi, I’m even looking…

Remembering Hell

So I’m home and going through the On Demand listings and I come across “Catching Hell“, a documentary described as exploring “the phenomenon of scapegoating by examining what the fateful deflected foul ball in Game 6 of the 2003 NLCS…

It Gets Better

Everyone needs a little support now and then.  On June 2, I wrote an entry supporting Sam Maden and his quest to get the Boston Red Sox to produce one of the “It Gets Better” videos. The World Champion San…

Good Vibrations

It speaks to my level of commitment these days that I had no idea today’s Red Sox game was an afternoon one.  That isn’t to say I’m not still committed to the team or this blog, I am on both…