Tag: Boston Red Sox

For the love of…

Last night’s game wore me out.  Just wore me the hell out. Cliff Lee was amazing so I guess we just accept that and move on.  Please, baseball gods, don’t let the Phillies fans win, okay? Oh, and if anyone…

Takes One to Know One

In an interesting bit of timing, as I wrote a blog entry yesterday about spiting the All Star vote, there was a columnist in Philadelphia, John Gonzalez, someone who seemingly gets paid for his time, submitting a column about how…

The Time to Vote is NOW

Given the Red Sox just went 2-4 against National League teams that supposedly aren’t very good, the timing for this post is terrible.  But no matter.  After watching the Red Sox salvage a win in Pittsburgh, I flipped to the…

Hello Pittsburgh

So it’s a rainy day and I don’t have much to do before the game tonight so I decided it was time to check out the Pittsburgh Pirates because, honestly, off the top of my head I could only name…