You bet you behind I’ll have a rant about ARod later tonight. First I want to actually watch the Gammons interview before I go on about what an absolute horse’s ass I think Slappy is. I’ll just say this. The…
Not Quite
The Phillies are annoyed because prior to Game 1 in the World Series, the entire teams weren’t introduced on the field, just the starters. It was then when a Phillies PR representative came into the clubhouse and informed the team…
Oh Good God
Okay, I absolutely understand all the reliving history stuff during the Yankees/Orioles game tonight. And Whitey Ford and Yogi Berra in the booth was the most entertaining and interesting ESPN has been all year. But when Gammons starts felating George…
ESPN chose the wrong game to air tonight!
So I’m watching ESPN’s Sunday night game (Tigers v White Sox) and am getting annoyed because the White Sox are having their way with Kenny Rogers (who, after seeing run around Fenway Park on a day he wasn’t pitching, and…