Tag: Jason Varitek

And there’s been a lot of broken dreams

Just a note of warning:  This entry is long and although I want it to be all-encompassing, I’m sure I’ve missed  few things.  But this is pretty much how I remember 2009! ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2009 was a fairly eventful year for…

Quench me when I’m thirsty

It came as a surprise to no one that Tek exercised his option on Wednesday and will be back with the team.  He seemed resigned to his new role as the playoffs began this year and Theo made it quite…

And we would all go down together

Tough to post daily right now with all the little things going on but that doesn’t mean I’m not paying attention.  Thrilled that the Sox picked up VMart’s option, happy that Wake will be returning albeit with a new contract…

Dipping in the pocket of her raincoat

Well that stunk, no doubt about it. But, regardless of what the likes of our resident Yankee fan commenter thinks, one game does not make a series. Am I disappointed in how Game 1 went down? Hell, yeah. It sucked.…