Derek Lowe versus Billy Mueller

Oh, DLowe…man you break my heart.

He throws a one-hitter through 8 innings on the 30th…(he had to be taken out because of that freaking blister on his hand that he always gets.  For the love of God, we’ve put men on the moon but we can’t figure out how to make DLowe’s damn blister go away???)…but he’s also embroiled in some naughtiness out west.

Slight pause to acknowledge the "Derek Lowe Face" (thanks Bill Simmons) still being used as of July 30,2005: Dlowejuly302005_1

Apparently, Derek has been doing more than pitching below expectations in LA (aside from Saturday’s gem)…he’s also doing the local Fox Sports Net chickie, Carolyn Hughes.

The entire sordid story is on Ron Fineman’s "On the Record" website which is here. Ron’s site is a subscription site and out of respect for that I won’t steal his story and print it here.  But basically Derek’s wife Trinka told him (Fineman) that Derek is schtupping Carolyn and told her (Trinka) he wants her out of their house.  Nice guy, huh?

This story has sparked a debate among nosey fans such as myself who unfortunately enjoy a juicy infidelity story as long as we aren’t a part of it.  The bigger part of the raging debate is whether or not it should just be "acceptable" for men to cheat, since it seems to be part of their biology.

I’m not married, although I was thisclose to being married at one time and have been in relationships, but I refuse to believe that more men cheat than don’t.  I know many men, not just ones I was in a relationship with, who have never cheated and who say they never would.

Another part of the debate is how women who marry baseball players should just accept the fact that their spouses are going to cheat because their spouses have young, gorgeous, easy chicks throwing themselves at these men on a constant basis.

Which is where Billy Mueller comes in.   Muellerst2004

Here is a guy who is a devout (and vocal about it) Christian.  Regardless of whether or not you agree with his or any religion (I’m Irish Catholic for what it’s worth), he obviously feels strongly about his faith.  That alone, to me, is respectable.  He’s just one of those guys.  And I don’t care if I sound naive…he doesn’t cheat on his wife.  Neither does Matt Clement.  I’m just saying.  🙂

And what a wonderful piece on him in today’s Globe by Amale Benjamin.

Here’s the best quote.  It’s about not being a guy to go and grab the spotlight:

"’That’s just the way I am," Mueller said. ”There’s nothing wrong with celebrity or wanting that or not wanting it. It’s just my personality. It’s who I married as well, her personality."

I heart this guy…and am so much more than thrilled that he’s still with the team.

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