Ramblin’ Gal…Part 2

Bronsonindark I haven’t slept in a while…so my mind is wandering a bit.  Forgive me.  I feel the need to ‘write’ tonight if for no other reason than to just keep doing it.  Not doing it for almost a week made me lose a bit of the feel for it, I guess…so I’m slipping in a toe at a time instead of diving right in.

*  Honestly, if I read one more article about or hear one more soundbyte from Johnny Damon where it mentions that the Red Sox fans think the front office made a terrible mistake, I’m going to vomit all over my keyboard.  I frequent enough Red Sox-themed message boards and have enough friends and relatives who are Red Sox fans, to know this isn’t true.  Most fans think the Red Sox front office was WISE not to offer Johnny the bloated contract he wanted (and that the Yankees gave him).  Most fans also think Johnny is a lying ‘traitor’ for jumping to the Yankees.  Unfortunately, Johnny is trying his hardest to spin it the other way.  Good luck with that, John.  If Rangers fans are booing you before even Spring Training starts, I can only imagine what you have to look forward to in Yankee Stadium, never mind Fenway Park.

*  The more I read about the WBC, the less I care.  It’ll be nice to see ‘real’ baseball again, but NESN shows lots of Spring Training games, so I really don’t need to watch the WBC just because Bud Selig tells me to.  And who came up with the promotional idea to have Roger Clemens tell us we should be there for our country?  The way HE was there for Red Sox fans?  Or Yankees fans?  Yeah, there’s a guy who should be selling us on loyalty.

*  Totally unrelated to baseball…I’m becoming a tad obsessed with "Brokeback Mountain".  My apologies to those that might offend, but I really don’t care.  Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal are amazing in this movie and it’s a truly touching depiction of love and the pain people go through because of intolerance.   More movies like this should be made.  I’ve seen it twice already and I can’t wait to see it again.  Who knew Heath and Jake were such good actors?  (Well, I knew about Heath…but "Bubble Boy"?  Good for you, Jake!)

*  Another off-topic item.  I almost got into a fight at the Billy Joel concert on Saturday night with a guy who wanted me to tell everyone in front of me to sit down.  I was in the 8th row.  There were 7 rows of people in front of me standing up.  Call me kooky…but I didn’t have a problem with it.  It was Billy freaking Joel, not Yanni.  This guy yelled at our entire section all night long.  Obviously he doesn’t know his concert etiquette (short version:  If there is only one or two people standing up, you make them sit down…if EVERYONE but you is standing up…maybe you should stand your butt up…or just just up and sit there and let everyone else enjoy the show).  Also, anyone who thinks alcohol or drugs improves whatever talent you have needs to check out Billy Joel.  He sounded better than his records.  Sobriety definitely agrees with him.

*  I keep getting emails asking me why I keep putting up random pictures of Bronson Arroyo.  It’s my little way of adding a bit of ‘chickiness’ to the blog.  I’m not sure why I picked Arroyo…maybe just because I seem to have a lot of pictures of him (and can find pictures of him pretty easily).  I have no intention of turning this blog into a "ooh aren’t the baseball players hot" blog…but a little eye candy now and then never hurt anyone.  And it puts me in a good mood.  And it’s all about me, right?

*  John Flaherty has chosen number 15 to wear with the Red Sox.  The last player to wear number 15 with the Red Sox was Kevin Millar.  So this annoys me just a little bit.  In related news, Josh Beckett has chosen to wear number 19 (Fred Lynn’s number most famously and Gabe Kapler’s number most recently)…even though I adore both Lynn and Kapler, that doesn’t bother me.  What bothers me is that even though Beckett has said he didn’t choose his Marlins’s number 21 because the number didn’t mean that much to him and he was number 19 before he was a Marlin, PLUS he didn’t want the aggravation connected with daring to wear Roger Clemens’s old number, people all over the internet are speculating that the real reason is because there is a chance Clemens is coming back to Boston.

If God even likes me just a little bit…that won’t be true.

Peace out, folks.

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