WBC – Why?

Wbc_logo1 In an email exchange with my friend Kelly today, we were discussing our feelings about the WBC.  We’re both happy for Mike Timlin for being chosen for the USA team…on the other hand, we’re both concerned about the possibility of injury to him and Jason Varitek and every other Red Sox player playing in the WBC.

I’m sure on paper this sounded like a great idea…but let’s think about this, using the Red Sox as the example for all of MLB.

The Red Sox are fielding a very new team this year.  Lots of guys coming aboard who weren’t here last year.  Isn’t spring training supposed to be the time the team gels?  How are these guys going to get into a rhythm if they don’t even play together until the end of spring training/beginning of the regular season?

And what about injuries?  The argument has been presented that players can get injured during spring training just as easily as while playing in the WBC.  Hooey.

Yes, I said ‘hooey’.

Timlin_in_action_june_26_2005While everyone wants the team to do well in spring training, the focus is more on the players honing their skills and getting in shape as opposed to winning at all costs.  Not so in the WBC.  I mean, if that were the case it really wouldn’t be such a big deal, right?  These teams mean to win.  Which means diving for balls and making great catches and basically putting yourself into harm’s way to win the game. 

A month before the regular season starts.

Whose brilliant idea was this?

Wait…the same guy who decided the All Star Game needed to ‘mean something’.  Next thing you know, Mr. Selig will be counting the Hall of Fame games against a team’s win/loss record.

I know that for the guys chosen to play this is a big deal and a great honor.  I’m happy my favorite Red Sox player has been given this honor, but I’d be happier if he decided to back out and stay in Ft Myers, bonding with his new teammates and protecting himself for the regular season.  I’m a little kooky that way.

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