A Syringe?

Someone threw an empty syringe at Bonds tonight.  Joe Morgan was predictably outraged.  Now, I’m not a fan of throwing anything at any player – and I hope they booted the person who did it (although it was the end of the game, so you aren’t getting much of a punishment there) but WHAT THE HECK DO THEY EXPECT?

Did anyone really think the fans are going to let this slide?

Oh wait, the guys on ESPN are all outraged as well.  Harold Reynolds called it "unnecessary".  Well, guess what Harold…there is just going to be more of this.

Fans are mad at Bonds.  Wow guys, there’s a stunner.  I’m sorry that this will all probably affect your ratings for that brilliant ‘reality show’…but tough nuts, really.

The guys on ESPN are acting like a knife was thrown at Bonds.  It was an empty syringe.  A piece of tubular plastic.  Throwing baseballs back onto the field is more dangerous.  Get over your dam selves folks.

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