Last July I was in Fenway Park to see the Sox spank the Yankees 17-1. I saw Trot Nixon hit an in the park homerun and I saw Melky Cabrera running around the outfield like a near-sighted three year old.
The Yankees won the next two games and the Sox lost their next THREE.
My point is…I’m not worrying. I’m concerned about Beckett and the fact that we had to use up a bit of our bullpen. But not to the point of screaming for a trade or some knee-jerk reaction to one loss. Whether the score was 1-0 or 20-0, a loss is a loss. It always stinks. And tomorrow it will be forgotten because there is another game to play.
I stand by my disgust at the Yankees tonight. HGHiambi and Philips showed what it truly takes to play on the Yankees. Way to show up the pitcher. Good job.
Manny pimps for a homerun and they want his head, their players show up the pitcher – and every one of them has done it at some time – and I’m being petty for letting it bother me.
Oh well. What are you going to do? Yankees make their living off of arrogance. Don’t know why it should surprise me.
Tomorrow’s a new day, and a new opportunity to win.
I’d like to share an excerpt from a text message conversation I had with a friend tonight. I’m not sharing his name (I’ll call him Z)…but I’m sure he won’t mind my sharing his words.
Z: Are you all right? This is UGLY.
Me: Fine. Just either annoyed at or worried about Beckett.
Z: Even without Beckett it’s UGLY.
Me: They could still come back. Isn’t over until the last out and all that.
Z: C, it’s 13-5 in the 7th!
Me: I know.
Z: They aren’t going to win.
Me: They could.
Z: They won’t. I can’t believe you!
Me: If I didn’t think they could win, why would I watch?
The rest of the conversation basically was a back and forth about how my glasses are rose-colored (from his side) and how the draw of a sport with 162 freaking games is that anything could happen in ANY game (from MY side).
I believe that my team will prosper. I believe that my team won’t let a thrashing like tonight get them down. And I believe that one loss on a Monday night isn’t the end of the world. (I also KNOW that it’s June 5th…the season isn’t halfway through. I’m not even close to being worried.)
And if you think there is something wrong with me for believing, I really don’t care. I’m a Red Sox fan. It’s what we do.
(The two pictures attached to this post are the two guys who turned my frown upside down tonight…so I figured I’d give them their props!)
Edited to add one more item. Looking around MLBlogs tonight, plenty of Yankees bloggers are reveling in the Yankees win, along with slamming the Red Sox. Interestingly enough, I haven’t seen any Red Sox fans on those blogs slamming the Yankees or their fans.
Not so the other way around on this blog. That, to me, is very telling.
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