What a great voice he has! How nice to see him (they just showed him) on television!
I have a place in my heart for Hendu that only Dave Roberts shares. 🙂
Okay, one other thing. No Sox in the commercial for the All Star Game. Four Sox were elected, not one in there. Oh, but Barry Bonds is in the commercial. Someone remind me, is Barry going to the All Star Game? Nope. Didn’t think so. Just another reason to hate Fox.
Just watched the Dodgers knock around the DBacks for an inning…but I changed the station and missed Eric Byrnes get a double! (Hope Kellia saw it!) Be warned…I had two Red Bulls for lunch today…I might be to be up for a while. Which could mean multiple, rambling posts.
Eric Brynes just scored a run! Hey, I’m rooting for the Dodgers, but it’s nice to see Kellia’s boy do well. For Kellia, anyway. 🙂
Texas beat the Jays tonight….so the Jays are four games out, the Yanks three games. Yes, I follow the standings ALL SEASON LONG.
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