Jeannie Zelasko just said this about Busch Stadium. The NEW Busch Stadium. You know, the stadium that opened THIS season. WHO calls it baseball heaven? Fox execs trying to drum up interest?
(I realize they could, quite possibly, call it "baseball heaven" in St. Louis…but that still seems a little odd to me.)
And the live blogging commences.
8:04 – Jeannie Zelasko just called Joe Girardi "Manager of the Year". Joe might be giving her an extra special birthday present after the game for that.
8:05 – "I had a friend, Paul O’Neill…", starts Joe Girardi. Who is this Paul O’Neill you speak of, Joe?
8:08 – As I ignore the Chevy/Mellencamp commercial (Good Lord when did he sell out?), I’ll take the time to congratulate Joe Girardi on probably getting Jim Kaat’s job.
8:10 – Oh my God they’re playing "The Hustle". I’d bet better than half the people watching the game (or reading this) don’t even know what the heck it is.
8:12 – Jeannie Zelasko is a big fat liar: "Scooter is back by popular demand."
8:13 – Both Girardi and Kennedy predict a Tigers win tonight. Jeannie isn’t allowed to predict anything, but she does get to introduce some blonde chick. (Someone else posted this on another blog…Jere maybe, but I forget who…let me know so you can get your props)
8:17 – Nico Smith (Ozzie’s boy) singing the National Anthem. He was on American Idol. I thought it was kind of stinky that the son of someone famous got to get on that show. He got booted, though, so it all worked out. His singing doesn’t ****, either, so I’m sure he’ll be fine. Let’s hope he gets a better sound crew than Fox has. (Nico, "free" has one syllable…thanks much.)
8:19 – They just started playing "Let’s Go" by Richie Valens. 2006, folks. 2006.
8:30 – Are they booing Curtis Granderson??? (Oh, wait, Joe Buck just answered my question. They’re saying "Soooouuup"!) My bad.
8:31 – Jeez, in the time it took me to type that, Granderson got out.
8:32 – I think, instead of blood, David Eckstein has Red Bull running through his veins. Two outs.
8:33 – Fox just showed a sign in the stands that read "Best fans in baseball". Um, St. Louis fans, it’s called humility. Look it up. (That pic of Pierzynski and Barrett is what comes up when you Google "Best fans in baseball"!)
8:33b – 7 pitch first inning for Mr. Suppan. Niiice.
8:36 – Eckstein is up. Already has two strikes on him. Bonderman is looking pretty intense already.
8:40 – After being pesky at the plate (or is it ‘scrappy’?), Eckstein leads the game off with a hit.
8:40 – Which goes for nothing since the pitching coach’s son just hit into a double-play.
8:42 – Have a seat, Albert. No score after 1.
8:44 – Big Papi’s Boys and Girls Clubs of America commercial about ‘never giving up’!!! I got my picture of me and Papi in the mail the other day. I look scared to death. I’ll post it eventually. It’s funny, I never stopped talking and they caught me in a moment when my mouth was closed. Oh well. It goes with the other pictures of me with baseball players where I look scared. (There are two with Kevin Millar…although the ones with Bronson and Timlin I looked pretty happy.)
8:45 – Hey, as I digress, Suppan gets out Magglio Ordonez. Nicely done.
8:47 – I like Sean Casey (according to Fox and ESPN, EVERYONE likes Sean Casey) so I’m happy he just hit a homerun. But I still want the Tigers to lose.
8:47b – The Greatest Fans in Baseball are silent. Someone needs to tell them that the time the team needs you to cheer loudest is when they are DOWN.
8:48 – Buck and McCarver give a collective sigh because Ivan Rodriguez just got a hit so they can’t talk about how he has no hits in the World Series any more.
8:49 – As if they read my blog, the fans now start chanting "Let’s go, Cardinals!".
8:50 – Polanco hits the ball to Jim Edmonds and Ivan Rodriguez made it to second. Johnny Damon says "hi", Jim. (Oh wait, now it’s Chris Duncan’s fault!)
8:51 – Okay, I have to admit that this is when I like the National League. Inge gets the intentional walk to pitch to Bonderman. Even though I’m rooting for the Cards, it would be very cool for Bonderman to do something here.
8:52 – Alas, the count is 0-2.
8:53 – I have to assume that MLB is behind those freaking towels we saw during the LCS and now at the WS, right? Whatever happened to just cheering and clapping?
8:54 – Bonderman now has a 2-2 count. Suppan knows if he loses this ‘batter’ that all the pitchers will make fun of him, doesn’t he?
8:55 – Bonderman got the bat on the ball…but he’s out. 1-0 Detroit, middle of the second.
8:56 – I have a Razr phone…I hate it. And I’m stuck with it until 2008. I hate T-Mobile.
9:00 – I can’t decide if McCarver and Buck aren’t saying as many stupid things as usual, or if my watching the game while drinking wine is making me impervious to their stupidity.
9:01 – My Cardinals boyfriend (I probably have one on each team – hey there’s a future post for the ladies!) just struck out.
9:04 – Does Scott Rolen qualify as ‘scrappy’?
9:05 – Well, he might be scrappy, but he’s also out.
9:07 – McCarver on IRod, "That’s what happens when you get hit so many times, you get mad back there" – because Wilson hit him on the back swing. He gets hit a lot. Maybe it isn’t the batters, eh Ivan?
9:09 – 1-0 Detroit going into the 3rd.
9:13 – Granderson leads off the 3rd with a double. Welcome back, Jeff.
9:16 – Oh my God it’s the end of the freaking world. Jeff Suppan and Scooter. Kill me, kill me now.
9:17 – Joe Buck says it’s good to show Suppan’s personality. No, Joe, no it isn’t. Don’t make me root against the Cardinals.
9:19 – One out, man on second and Fox decides to show crowd shots.
9:20 – Make that one out, two on thanks to a walk. Here comes Menudo.
9:21 – Two outs with Sean Casey coming up.
9:22 – 2-0 Detroit on an rbi single by Casey. Once again, Casey has shown up to play.
9:23 – Pudge is up again. If he gets a hit, Buck and McCarver might cry.
9:24 – Rodriguez knocks in another run and Tim McCarver weeps silently.
9:26 – Cards fans are chanting "Let’s Go Suppan". Oh wait, they WERE when I started to type. Now they aren’t. have they given up in the third inning? It’s only 3-0. Not exactly a butt-kicking just yet, folks.
9:27 – Polanco helps end Suppan’s pain…3-0 Detroit.
9:31 – Already an out.
9:32 – Nice hit by the number 8 guy (he’s like the number 10 guy in the American League right?) to bring up Suppan. Hows about another homerun, Jeff?
9:33 – Remember that number 8 guy? Who is that, Aaron Miles? He’s on second right now. Very nice number eight.
9:35 – Way to help your own cause, Jeff, by striking out. Up comes Scrappy Doo.
9:36 – Whenever I hear the "Here we go – -" song played on an organ, I think of the Boston Bruins.
9:37 – And damn if the song didn’t work! Eckstein hits a double to knock in number 8! 3-1 Tigers. You know, the way that Buck and McCarver seem to be servicing the Tigers tonight, I’m wondering if they were asked to tone down the Cardinals homerism.
9:40 – Holy cow, Bonderman just walked the pitching coach’s kid to pitch to Albert Pujols.
9:47 – MLBlogs just ate my last couple of entries. Albert Pujols killed the rally and Suppan now has one out. Mark (go see Mark’s World Series blog!) explained the "Baseball Heaven" thing in the comments here (and Suppan has TWO outs): "Welcome to Baseball Heaven" is the theme of billboards throughout St. Louis and right outside new Busch. Thanks, Mark!
9:50 – Jeff Suppan gets a second wind and makes quick work of the Tigers.
9:54 – My Cardinals boyfriend is up again. He’s "a .500 hitter this post-season when the count is 1-0". Thank you, Joe Buck, for a stat that will mean nothing when he gets out.
9:55 – Which he does. But not before Joe Buck gets to say ‘atypical’ again.
9:56 – Scott, I keep looking for a soul patch, Rolen tried to get himself thrown out at second, but actually sneaks in there after much hesitation from the Tigers outfield. Nice work Not Spiezio.
9:58 – Well, at least Granderson didn’t ground into a DOUBLE play. Two outs with Yadi up. Yadi! Yadi! Yadi!!!!! Two out double!!!!! 3-2 Tigers!!!!
9:59 – Number 8 gets intentionally walked to bring up Suppan. Eegh.
10:01 – Esai Morales looks disturbingly like "new" Johnny Damon in the photo I’ve posted of him here. Oh yeah, and Suppan makes the third out. 3-2 at the end of four. We have a game, people. Don’t mess it up, Suppan.
10:03 – I tell you, I honestly couldn’t care less whether or not grocery stores are allowed to sell wine. Really. (Anyone watching this game in Massachusetts will understand.)
10:07 – One out, one on. Hearing Joe Buck give the "Chevy winning number" makes me want to dig out my dvds of the 1979 World Series and watch a game without so much blatant plugging. I never did finish watching those games on dvd…gonna have to get back to that after the World Series.
10:08 – Nice strike thrown to Magglio, Jeff!
10:09 – The Triumphant Red Sox Fan (and
possibly hopefully our friend Pam) and I will be making our third annual post-World Series trip to Cooperstown next weekend. If you haven’t been to Cooperstown, you really need to find a way there.
10:11 – Sean Casey reads the bible every day. How does this jibe with his love of Dave Matthews?
10:12 – Sean Casey is 3-3. Somewhere, Reds fans weep.
10:14 – Nice way to get out of trouble, Supp. 3-2 Detroit.
10:17 – Jeez, Eckstein is up again. Time flies, baby. Eckstein is also out.
10:18 – Dos outs. What the heck, Cardinals? Do you NOT want to win this at home??? Pujols is up with a chance to tie this. Come on, Albert.
10:20 – Unintentional, intentional walk to Pujols. And, once again, my Cardinals boyfriend is up. (I don’t think I have a Tigers boyfriend. It used to be Bobby Higginson. I even have a Bobby Higginson bobblehead…but, alas, those days are over!)
10:21 – My foot will have to meet Mr. Bonderman’s **** if he throws another pitch at my boyfriend’s face.
10:22 – Or maybe it will have to meet Mr. Edmonds’ **** for striking out? 3-2 Tigers, end of 5.
10:26 – Mookie’s baby boy makes a nice catch for out #1.
10:29 – Inge gets a hit with one out and Bonderman up. McCarver thinks he doesn’t know the bunt sign. Does he really need the sign? One out, man on first, what else would he do?
10:30 – Sign or not, he bunts and is out. Man on second, two outs. Here comes Granderson.
10:31 – Top of the sixth, Cards only down by one and Joe Buck is lamenting that Suppan won’t be pitching again in this series. Can we get through this game, Joe?
10:32 – Nicely done, fellas. 3-2 Tigers going to the bottom of the sixth.
10:36 – Rolen starts the inning off with a double to bring up Preston Wilson. (Okay, if Braden Looper is a cool baseball name, Preston Wilson is a cool…accountant’s name?) Preston sacrifices Rolen to third. Nicely done.
10:40 – Bonderman seems a little out of sorts, eh? He just walked Yadi and looks a little wild. Number 8 is up again. Do you walk him to get to the pitcher’s spot?
10:41 – Bonderman looks oh so pissed about being taken out of the game. It’s the World freaking Series, Jeremy, what did you expect?
10:44 – Bonderman being a baby in the dugout. I’m sorry, this is for all the marbles…there is no "I" in TEAM…whichever cliche works for you. Get over it, kid.
10:46 – Number 8 has a 2-1 count with John Rodriguez in the on-deck circle to pinch-hit for Suppan. Number 8 now has a 2-2 count from Fernando Rodney.
10:47 – Fox just showed Jeff Suppan in the dugout. He was doing what I do when I can’t bear to watch. Looking down at the ground…ignoring the game. And Number 8 strikes out. Oh, Number 8, I had such high hopes for you.
10:50 – Fernando Rodney gets Rodriguez to swing away. I fear the Cardinals might have just blown their best chance of the night. 3-2 end of 6.
10:55 – Holy moly! Wonderful catch by Preston Wilson. The kind of catch you’ll see over and over again if the Cards win the series!
10:57 – Then it gets decided to walk Guillen. With Magglio Ordonez up. Great.
11:00 – Carlos steals second. Lovely.
11:01 – Magglio strikes out swinging. Sweet! Oh, except here comes Sean Casey to smash a hole in the hearts of Cardinals fans. Pitching change…now break.
11:05 – Pitching change worked. Casey flies out. Here comes the seventh inning stretch and the obligatory "if you don’t sing this song, you aren’t honoring our nation".
11:07 – Chickie did a nice job on the song. Brava.
11:07b – Does HP really think our seeing what rich people do with their ‘notebooks’ will make us want to buy one?
11:11 – Scrappy dappy Doo, baby! Eckstein hits a double and Tim McCarver blames the rain for Granderson not making the catch. And now I have Milli Vanilli in my head. I won’t be surprised in the least if that song leads us into the next commercial break.
11:14 – What the hell was THAT Fernando??????? What it was, was right over Polanco’s head, and an error gives the Cardinals the tie (not the LEAD as McCarver just said). Sheez.
11:18 – Jim Edmonds is up for what seems to be the 15th time tonight and Rodney is about to get my wrath if he throws at him again.
11:20 – Edmonds takes strike 3. God, I hate that.
11:24 – Rolen also strikes out. Rodney is pitching a great game. His defense, well…
11:25 – PRESTON WILSON!!!!! Nice work, baby! RBI single, 4-3 Cardinals at the end of 7.
11:29 – Braden Looper in for the 8th against IRod. Who gets a lead-off double (his third hit tonight).
11:33 – I know advancing the runner is considered ‘doing your job’ but it always kills me to see a guy getting congratulated in the dugout for making an out.
11:34 – HEY Tony has taken off the glasses…the double switch is on. Man on third, one out…ah, the anticipation!
11:38 – Don’t you love it when they bring in a new pitcher and he gives up a run? Double by Inge, knocks Pudge in. 4-4…that was short-lived, eh Cards fans?
11:40- Very pretty strikeout, getting Gomez swinging. Two outs, man on second and Curtis Granderson up.
11:43 – Dang, caught him looking with a beautiful pitch! 4-4 going into the bottom of the 8th. Pick up your pticher, fellas.
11:44 – I love this Ellen Degeneres/AmEx commercial. "Although they WERE argyle". I saw Ellen live a couple of years ago. One of the funniest nights of my life. If she and Lewis Black had a baby, it would be the funniest human on earth.
11:47 – Zumaya walks Yadi on four pitches. Okay.
11:49 – I really think Leyland should stop making mound visits. They haven’t seemed to work for him during the World Series.
11:50 – Did IRod just give Zumaya a mock cheer for throwing a strike?
11:51 – Number 8 almost hits into a double-play, but somehow he is safe at first. One out.
11:53 – Well, that was interesting. Encarnacion is out, Miles is on second with two outs and Scrappy up at bat.
11:55 – Can’t blame that one on wet grass, can you Tim???? Monroe can’t reach Eckstein’s hit and Number 8 scores on the double!!! 5-4 Cardinals!
11:56 – Dang, Cardinals fans are getting their moneys worth tonight!
11:57 – End of 8 on Taguchi’s pop up. 5-4 St. Louis.
12:01 – Mr. Wainwright says "Have a seat, Mr. Monroe" and "Bring on Guillen".
12:05 – Guillen is out. Magglio is up with Sean Casey on deck.
12:06 – Wow. He swung at the first pitch. Magglio is out – Cards win game 4 and lead this series 3-1. Who’d have thought it, eh? Way to go, fellas, way to go!
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