I planned on writing about how much I enjoyed 2006, but truth be told, I didn’t. Personally, it was a truly lousy year for me. I touched upon some of it here (the deaths of people I love for example) but there is a lot that has been unwritten. Suffice it to say, I’m truly looking forward to 2007. So, with that in mind, I went through my posts from the past year and have come up with a list of the things related to baseball that made this year a bit stinky.
(And you all thought I was Suzy Sunshine!)
Let me just mention, first, that ‘sistah’ Sox Cruiser wrote a wonderful post over at the Sox Sistahs blog about the GOOD parts of 2006 (Red Sox-related!). I contributed there in the comments section. Maybe I’ll put up a positive post too, but right now I’m so happy this year is ending I thought I’d give some reasons why!
January 2006 – Double Dose of suhk. Not only did we spend January getting over Johnny being a Yankee…but, yet again, Jim Rice gets overlooked for the Hall of Fame. I, sadly, sense more of the same coming in a week or two.
February 2006 – Curt Gowdy passed away, and JOHNNY JUST WOULDN"T SHUT UP!!!!!
March 2006 – Johnny Pesky fractured his ankle, the WBC ruined many a pitcher for the regular season, Julian Tavarez acted all, well, Julian Tavarezy, but worst of all…well it can be summed up in six words: Bronson Arroyo for Wily Mo Pena. 🙁. And, as you all know, I still haven’t gotten over it.
April 2006 – Josh Bard. Josh freaking Bard. Added to Wakefield’s woes? NO freaking run support!!! But most annoying, Sox fans starting the season BOOING their own damn team! (And let us not forget – "Bonds on Bonds"!)
May 2006 – Getting rained out at my first Yankees/Sox game of the year! Johnny Damon, yet again. Mike Vaccaro, idiot extraordinaire. Josh Beckett and his blister, er NOT a blister and Matt Clement…oh, Matty.
June 2006 – Good God why is Matt Clement still pitching?? Brett Myers, ladies man. And, Jason Johnson. Good Lord, Jason Johnson. Peter Gammons was struck down, but bounced back, thankfully!
July 2006 – Ending the errorless streak. The Devil Rays stomp all over the Sox. AJ Pierzynski? AJ PIERZYNSKI????? 19 innings is a long freaking time. Three more years with "Haze". Wake goes on the DL. Oh Mike. What the hell do I do without wireless access??? Did Mark Loretta get traded? No, but Trot got injured and Matt Clement went on the 60-day disabled list. What a lousy month!
August 2006 – Ugh, the Captain on the DL. Oh, and you stay classy Yankees fans. You too, Sox fans. Rudy, Rudy, Rudy. And, apparently, I had enough at this point. Emily’s last day in Boston – not a good day. The Red Sox try to kill Big Papi. But in all
seriousness, the worst hit was the one to Jon Lester. Thankfully, that ended well.
September 2006 – "Um, am I being arrested?" The best laid plans. "Do me, Lenny!", but please don’t pitch! What, no basebrawl?
October 2006 – Aside from the Red Sox finishing in third place…the worst part of October baseball was saying goodbye to Trot.
Yes, on the whole there were wonderful parts of 2006 baseball, but a lot of crummy ones as well. Here’s hoping the New Year brings a lot of BETTER times for Red Sox fans!
Happy New Year, folks! Thanks for reading all year ’round, I really appreciate it!
Bring on 2007!
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