Thanks to Mark and Kellia for alerting us to the sad news that Dave Cadwell passed away last month. I’m still stunned by the news. Dave’s was the only Yankee blog I ever linked to on this page. He would email me photos of his family AND his Yankees and we’d have email discussions about our teams. He emailed me any time I crabbed on here about not feeling well or when I mentioned something lousy that was going on in my life. He even mentioned me in his MLB Radio interview as an example of how Yankees and Red Sox fans can get along. He was a sweet man who always spoke lovingly to me of his family. I’ll miss his music videos that he would send (sometimes to tweak me…they’d be Yankees-related) and I’ll miss his blog as well. His presence here made the whole place a lot nicer. It’s a sad day. I hope his fiancee, Michele, knows that the thoughts, prayers and love of many people are with her.
We made plans to ‘someday’ see a Yankees/Sox game at Fenway. I’m so sorry that won’t ever happen now.
Dave’s fiancee Michele has set up a memorial page here.
God bless, Dave and thanks for being a friend!
(I stole and edited this photo of Dave from one of his photo albums at his blog)
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