K Cancer T-Shirts and Jon Lester

jonl.jpgApparently there has been some confusion about the continued selling of the "K Cancer" t-shirts.  Let me clarify for those interested.

Back in December, a friend of mine came to me with the idea of selling the shirts ‘in person’.  With her leading the way, we organized a "Jon Lester Night" at The Harp (a bar across from the TD Bank North Garden).  With the backing of one of my sistahs, I pre-ordered 100 shirts in the navy with green lettering and the red with black lettering in various sizes.  We brought them to The Harp in February and sold a few.  I continue to receive requests for shirts and am still selling what I have left. 

jl1hit071806.jpgAfter discussing it with friends of mine who also happen to be close to Jon, I decided that after these shirts are sold, I won’t be ordering any others.  As much as Jon appreciates the support the fans have and are giving him (and he does!), he’s eager to move past his diagnosis last September and focus on the task at hand – getting himself back to form for the 2007 season.  Out of respect for him, I’ve chosen to do the same.  Which is the real reason why I won’t be keeping up the Jon Lester-specific blog.  It was started to promote the shirts and it did its job well.

I’m very proud of what has been accomplished through the sale of the t-shirts.  With no publicity except my blogs (and the blogs of a few friends!), I raised enough money to make a sizeable donation to Dana Farber and one to Fred Hutchinson as well. 

jonst2007.jpgI’m especially proud of the donation to "The Hutch" as 1) it is the main facility where Jon was treated and 2) they have a wonderful program where you can purchase bricks to be placed  in their courtyard with your donation.  Through the generosity of all who have purchased the K Cancer t-shirts, I was able to buy 2 bricks.  One that reads:  "Fans of Jon Lester" and the other reads:  "To Support the Fight of Jon Lester".   It is my hope that I’ll have collected enough from the sale of the remaining shirts to buy another brick before the summer (when the bricks will be installed). 

Jon and his loved ones are aware of the donations that have been made through the sale of the K Cancer shirts, and he (and they) have expressed their thanks through me to all the fans who have supported him.

If you are interested in purchasing a K Cancer shirt, as I wrote, there is a limited number available (and only in red or navy).  Email me through the contact link on this blog to get your order in.

jonbrow2007st.jpgAs I’ve said many times to the dear friend who triggered this entire t-shirt idea, I’d much prefer never having had to sell t-shirts.  If  I had my choice, Jon would have never been diagnosed with cancer.  But he was and because of it some people have been brought together who would have probably never met – and donations were made to two wonderful facilities.

I’ll continue to support Jon and follow his career, regardless of where it leads him.  And in the process, I’ve made some wonderful friends.  I’ll always have Jon to thank for that.  

Here’s hoping Jon has a fabulous (and healthy) 2007!

(All photos from Boston.com)

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