Can’t believe I find myself quoting Steve Buckley, but I am. He ends his piece today about the lineup shuffling Tito did with this:
Anything is possible. Anything. People love to make comparisons between the 2007 Red Sox and the gang from the Great Collapse of 1978, but there is a big, big difference between these Sox and those Sox. The ’78 management team was stubborn and slow to react to the gathering chaos, whereas the ’07 management team is trying to think two moves ahead in the annual hardball chess game.
Steve has bingo. Tito wasn’t afraid to mess with the lineup and Theo won’t be afraid to make a move if one needs to be made. Sox are still 9.5 games up in their division, so there is no need for rash decision-making, but that doesn’t mean Theo will sit on his thumbs if something happens to change the situation in the standings.
I think it’s a very nice place to be right now.
Unless things change drastically, I’ll be at Fenway tonight to see Curt hot off of his one-hitter…should be a lot of fun!
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