Domo ArigatoLet’s see. Dave Roberts gets his hero’s welcome three days in a row. Julian Tavarez pitched a hell of a game on Friday. Daisuke pitched a shut out on Saturday and Tim Wakefield struggled a little, yet thanks to the bats, got himself a win as well on Sunday. Okajima looked great, as usual and, hell, even Joel Pineiro got the team out of a jam. Sox sweep to end their home stand as they head to Atlanta.
Quite the nice weekend, eh?
And how about this? On Wednesday, June 6, I announced the postcard shower for JD Drew. Over the past ten games (starting on June 7) JD is hitting .324, with 11 RBI, 12 hits, 2 home runs and 9 runs scored. The power of the postcard shower!!!
We like to spread out the showers so the team doesn’t think we’re just sending every player a bunch of postcards. So keep an eye out for when we decide to start the next one!
And, yes, Julio is still the "Player of the Week". There are only 25 guys on the roster and, heck, we all know he needs the good vibes. Here’s hoping it works and that the road trip treats him well.
Yanks took two out of three against the Mets. I love how people keep writing and talking about how the Yankees have surprised everyone by cutting the lead to 8.5 games. Exactly who did they surprise? They’re the freaking Yankees. It would have been not only a surprise, but a huge embarrassment to the team, had they not done something and soon. Thanks to the huge lead the Sox had at the beginning of the season, though, and the way the Sox continue to play, the Yankees can play well and still not catch up. Who knows what will end up happening, but as Bob Ryan wrote this morning, no one expected the Red Sox to win the division by 20 games – but I still like the way they’re playing and am not ‘worried’ about the Yankees.
Sox in Atlanta for the next three days. While we get to finally watch some road games that DON’T start at midnight, we also have to watch our pitchers hit. Schilling, Beckett and Tavarez. All former National League pitchers. Which, of course, means nothing (it would be sweet, however, to see Beckett hit another home run!). Man, I can’t wait for inter-league to end.
Looks like the beginning of a beautiful day!
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