…from the freaking Barry Bonds apologists on Fox.
Screw you, MLB, for giving the Giants the All Star Game this year. We’re being force fed the "we’ll never know how many players did steroids" and the "Bonds was an All Star before he started hitting all those home runs" crap from Buck, McCarver and Rosenthal. Spare me, okay?
And screw Barry Bonds for his not-so veiled digs at Hank Aaron. Aaron had the class to say that Bonds breaking his record wasn’t about him, it was about Barry, so he wouldn’t be there. He could have said that he didn’t want to be present for the giant head cheating his way to a record, but he didn’t. No matter. Bonds uses the All Star Game to get his digs in about how he’ll be there when/if ARod breaks HIS record because they’re a ‘fraternity’ that needs to stick together. Go sit on a tack, Barry.
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