There’s only this

jessel.jpgAside from a pit stop at work for about 8 hours yesterday, it’s been, pretty much, non-stop fun for me since last Thursday.  Needless to say, I’m a bit tired.  It’s a good tired, but tired nonetheless.  So only because I hate checking in here and seeing the same post for more than a day, I’m going to ramble a bit in the name of having a new post up.

As far as tonight’s  game goes, as I texted to a friend from the right field seats we were sitting in thanks to the "Scalp-Free Zone", there comes a point when ridiculousness sets in and I couldn’t even be upset.  It was a stinker, plain and simple.  Julio Lugo is just about the only one who doesn’t deserve a smack tonight.

Although the late-innings rally was fun.  We stayed for the whole game, as per our usual.  It’s always nice to be in the park with the folks who stay because it’s the easiest way to weed out most of the bandwagoners.  So even though the rallies fell short, it was fun to be around that energy.

Thanks to what I’m sure will be a desk full of work, I’ll be able to avoid most of the Chicken Littles tomorrow.  Oh the horror, the Sox lost, the Yankees won and they’re now only 8 games behind.  Whatever shall we do?

Back after the 2003 season, NESN released a dvd called "Cowboy Up:  The Wild Ride of the 2003 Red Sox" .  After the heartbreaking way the 2003 season ended, I couldn’t imagine ever watching it.  But my sister knew me better than I knew myself and she bought it as a Christmas present for me.  It took me MONTHS before I was able to watch it, but once I did, I was struck by something (especially since I watched it during a particularly horrendous stretch the Sox were going through in 2004).  There were many terrible patches along the way in2003 but, aside from a few moments in that last game on the ALCS, the ending wasn’t so bad.  This realization actually helped shape the way I  not only watch the Red Sox, but pretty much the way I live my life.

I choose to visualize the end of the road.  If things are sucky in my life, I look ahead (or at least I try to) to how I think things will end up.  Being the optimist that I am, the road is usually a good one.  🙂

It’s the same with the Sox.  Currently, they’re going through a bit of the suckies and it’s tough to watch.  But I know that it’ll change so I do continue to watch them.  I know they’ll start playing consistently better and I’m pretty sure they’ll be playing in October.  It’ll be amusing to look back on this current playing slump and know that it happens to every team and that it only made the trip more interesting.

I’d much rather a 20 game lead going into the rest of the season, 8 games is a little paltry for my tastes, but since I can’t change it, I’d rather focus on final outcome. 

It’s worth a little pain to enjoy a lot of happiness. 

(I chose this photo because Jesse L Martin and "Rent" have ben basically what’s been keeping me sane away from my "Red Sox Life" and to see his handsome face all day Wednesday is much better than looking at the sad or annoyed faces of the Sox right now.)

Special shout-out and thanks to my good friend KellyJ for tonight.  To paraphrase what she always says, " A bad day at Fenway beats the hell out of a good day just about anywhere else!"  

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