Photo from Yahoo! Sports – Not from last night (just because I like it!)
What a great way to go to sleep last night. Knowing the Sox won, the Yanks lost and the Sox picked up an entire game in the standings. Yay baseball! The Yankees no longer have a game in hand and are 8 games back in the loss column. Way to go, Sox. Tim Wakefield kept up his winning ways against the DRays while Manny Delcarmen and Kyle Snyder kept up the bullpen’s dominance.
Someone remind me why I’m supposed to be worried about this team? (Not getting cocky. There’s still a hell of a lot of ball to be played. But I’m not even close to being nervous about these guys.)
Jon Lester is on the mound tonight. I won’t be watching it thanks to some fun times planned, but I’ll be dvr’ing it so I could see how he looks. Here’s hoping he can mirror his first outing earlier in the week.
Having Cal Ripken and Tony Gwynn being inducted this weekend, the same weekend that Barry Bonds could, conceivably, break (or at least tie) Hank Aaron’s home run record, only depresses me when I realize they are possibly the last two players from ‘that era’ who won’t have question marks and asterisks surrounding them.
I stupidly watched Sports Center this morning, forgetting about Bonds’ home run. The ball washing he’s getting makes me sick. And one of the asshats even threw a crack out to Hank Aaron about watching his back. If I ever wanted to slap someone I didn’t know, it was then. I hope Hank is holed up somewhere watching grass grow instead of paying attention to this display. Shame on ESPN and Fox and every other media outlet for promoting this like it’s a good thing. Man, I can’t wait for it to be over. And then I can’t wait for ARod to come around and kick Bonds’ record into oblivion.
Oh and a special shout out to Dave Weathers for totally messing up a great outing from my boy Bronson. Sure, the Reds won in the ninth, but not before Weathers blew the save. I suppose I was being greedy. I watched the Sox win, then the Yanks lose and was hoping to see Bronson finally get another win. I need to learn not to tempt the baseball gods. 🙂
Another sunny Saturday here. Looking forward to a good day and hoping for a good night!
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