The Timlins were SO generous with their time!Yesterday was a weird one. I spent the day without a cell phone which, let me tell you, stunk more than I thought it would. I also had a pretty rotten day at work – something that doesn’t usually happen. I try not to get too personal on this blog, it’s a baseball-themed blog so people don’t come here to read about my personal issues, but yesterday truly was a bad one. So bad that I had considered blowing off The Angel Fund‘s annual gala and silent auction held at Fenway Park last night.
Fortunately, I didn’t let the events of the day take me over and, after blowing off some steam, I joined my friend Kelly O at Fenway, had a glass or two of wine, and settled in for a great night!
We took a mini-tour of Fenway (hitting the Green Monster and the Press Box) but the highlights were escaping the tour group and walking the length of the Monster to look into the bullpen and just take in the entire park in the dark. It was an amazing feeling to be able to look out over the park and take it all in without anyone in the seats and with none of the lights on. Also, grabbing something to eat after the tour and sitting outside the EMC Club, looking out on the darkness of Fenway while we ate. Two experiences not many people get to enjoy. That alone made the night worthwhile.
The people at the Angel Fund are wonderful. I’ve often compared them to the ‘red-headed stepchild’ in that they don’t get the kind of publicity that they really should. They do so much good work and they’re a wonderful community so it’s a wonder to me that they aren’t more well-known throughout Red Sox Nation.
Case in point, their annual gala was held at Fenway last night. The unfortunate timing of it was that Josh Beckett’s first annual "Beckett Bowl" was held in Malden last night. Guess which event was covered on NESN’s Sports Desk and which one wasn’t? Beckett’s event had many of his teammates and other Boston sports figures. The Angel Fund’s event only had one Boston sports star:
Which was truly good enough for me.
I don’t often post pictures of myself here, but this time I figured ‘why not’? Mike and Dawn Timlin were (and are) very generous with their time and money when it comes to the Angel Fund. So a special thanks to them both for taking the time to do this. The two of them never stopped mingling, never stopped interacting with the people at the event. Many other attendees made a point to tell me how ‘nice’ they both are and how ‘good’ they are with people. I found that both points were true. And, for me, they helped turn a lousy day into a wonderful night.
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