I’m beat. I can’t think of a title for this post.

I love getting screen grabs of Mike! 

Okay, enough wallowing.  Friday is go time.  Beckett is on the mound and the team needs to get out of their funk ASAP.  Beckett’s just the guy to help them do it.

No more negativity.  The team needs all the good vibes we can muster.  

Kick some butt, Joshua Patrick.  And the rest of you as well.

Incidentally, here’s a quote from Mike Timlin, who loaded the bases Wednesday night, setting the stage for Papelbon’s home run ball:

"We had a handle on that game until I came in," Timlin said. "We had a shot and I blew it."

Unlike those who enjoy watching a player bang his helmet or throw his bat, I prefer a man who can own up to his mistakes when the game is over.  While there is no way Mike Timlin was solely responsible for that loss, nor the sweep, for that matter, it takes a big man to face the  Boston sports media (ESPECIALLY after a four game losing streak) and face the music alone.  Yet another reason Mike Timlin is one of my favorite  players, not only on the Red Sox, but of all time.

Sox are going to come back around, folks, I feel it. 

Oh, and on a final note, you’ll notice my player of the week.  At the very least, he’s my player of the weekEND.  It’s all part of my renewed "positive vibe" philosophy.  He’s on the team, Tito’s going to use him, we might as well support him since bashing him doesn’t accomplish anything.  Sack up, Eric, we’re behind you! 

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