I’m cheating big-time today. I don’t have time this morning to write a thought-out tribute to the wonderfulness of last night. So I’m going to lead you in the direction of some fabulous bloggers who have pretty much echoed how I feel right now. Take it away folks!
Jere has a nice wrap-up of last night’s game.
Maybe now, after seeing Steinbrenner threaten to let their manager go (twelve straight post-season appearances is not enough?), they’ll start to realize there is more to baseball than winning. We could make a deal, they could stop acting like they’re the "winners" and we’re the "chokers," and acting like every loss is just a win upside-down, and we could come out and say, yes, that was a good effort from a team that had been so far behind–a good effort is all one can expect, you can’t win every year…. The chance of any of that happening is about as fat as Joba, who I’m hoping people will have to Google to find out who I’m talking about when they read this five years from now.
Red has another installment of the Cashman-Headwarmer Dialogues.
" Since 2001, you know what you guys have been? The world’s most expensive failure, so caught up in your own mystique you let the Red Sox pull the rug of 2004 out from underneath you."
Kelly has an invitation for Yankees fans hungry for more baseball.
Because there’s still plenty of baseball left.
But my favorite post of the day can be found here.
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