Jacoby or not Jacoby?

Photo lifted from Indian Country

That is the question.

And I have to make this short and sweet.  LONG week ahead for me (with a great weekend to top it off!).

I want Jacoby to stay with the Red Sox.

Johan Santana is a damn fine pitcher.

These two things cause conflict within me.

BUT I trust Theo.  I trust that he either is confident enough to make this trade, knowing what it would do for the team or that he’s playing one hell of a game and getting that price up there so the Yankees have to pay through the nose.

It would be nice to have Santana, but we don’t need him.   There is no denying that the Yankees do.

The Red Sox have won two World Series titles since 2004.  Two.  And now they’re in the mix for Johan Santana, arguably one of the best pitchers some of us might ever see.  I’d say things are pretty sweet in Red Sox Nation right now. 

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