Happy Birthday, Mike!

Today, my man Mike Timlin turns 42. Happy birthday, Mike!

Now, I’m writing this late Sunday/early Monday, so I haven’t seen any of today’s stories yet. I’m guessing that Josh’s tweaky back might be keeping the Boston sports writers from churning out all those “Wow, he’s old yet he’s still playing” stories that we get each year.

Mike’s having a good Spring Training, which also tends to bring out the “Hey, he’s old but can still pitch!” stories. So far, this pre-season, so good.

SO I say “happy birthday” to Mike and hope that this year brings him many outs, a smattering of hits and very few runs.

Oh, and good health and happiness, yada, yada, yada. 🙂

Mike Timlin (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

(AP Photo/Steven Senne)

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