Follow Up

I had shut down for the night, but calling Peter Abraham an ‘asshole’ in my last post actually didn’t sit well with me. To call him an “ass” would have been one thing, but an “asshole”, to me, is a lot more nasty and meaningful. And I thought I was being unfair.  So I logged back on to edit the post.

Given his response to me in the comments section, I’m thinking my initial reaction might have been the correct one. How anyone can pass off what he wrote as a joke is a mystery to me. I don’t need emoticons to ‘get’ the funny. There was no funny in that post. I suppose before he injected the edits you might be able to find the satire in there directed toward Yankees fans if you were really looking for it. But that tone changed with the edits. (And, yes, I know he is, or was, a Red Sox fan.)

If he was going for the joke, he failed miserably. Me, I think he expected more backlash toward the Sox on this and when it didn’t come he pulled out the ‘I was joking and you all aren’t swift enough to get it’ card. Or maybe he just likes to hedge his bets. Let the Yankees fans think he was serious, try to convince the Sox fans it was a joke.

I wasn’t planning on touching this. I read his piece today and the garbage comments that were left and thought “Screw it. who cares what a bunch of Yankees fans think about this?”. But in re-reading it, having “greedy disgrace” connected to this team truly pissed me off.

If Abraham was joking, so be it. I don’t believe it for a minute, but the man has a right to explain away such nonsense in whatever way he pleases.

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