What a Morning

Jason Varitek talks to the press about the Japan trip boycott (Photo by J. Meric/Getty Images)

I didn’t really get a chance to process what went on today as it was happening. It was a bit surreal.

“Sox boycotting Japan trip”

“Boston won’t play if coaches don’t get paid”

All the headlines screaming at you along with text messages, emails and other forms of communication with blow by blow coverage. (“They’re on the field!” “They’re in the dugout!” “THEY ALL LEFT THE DUGOUT!!!!”)

In the end, it’ll be called a misunderstanding. Many will be critical (most of them coming out of New York) and some might be cynical, but the bottom line is this: the players stood up for the unsung group that plays along side of them…and they won.

The bullpen catcher, the trainers, the coaches…these guys put in as much hard work as the players – and today the players showed them how much they are appreciated and respected. The Peter Abrahams of the world can suck wind. This wasn’t greedy, it wasn’t selfish…it was the complete OPPOSITE of that. It was a unifying action that everyone except a handful in New York seem to appreciate as such. They postponed today’s game and threatened the boycott to support others – with nothing to gain for themselves.

What evil men they are, right Mr. Abraham? How dare they take a moment to think of others? How dare they consider promises made to those who make MUCH less than them more important that a public relations trip to Japan? Who do these players think they are?

If you saw today’s actions by the Red Sox players as selfish, you have no concept of the word. Sometimes the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many. Today, our team voted unanimously to support the people who support them all year long.

We should be proud. I certainly am.

(You’ll notice, against my better judgment since the last thing I want is to give the guy traffic, I linked Peter Abraham’s blog. Folks need to read the idiocy that not only did HE write, but that Yankees fans aped in the comments section. I think the lot of them need a lesson in the difference between greedy and selfless.)

So let’s review. The Red Sox are generous men of honor who support their coaches and trainers by standing up for what is right. Peter Abraham is a pompous asshole who is a disgrace to sports writers.

(Photo by J. Meric/Getty Images)

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